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Friday, July 16, 2010

NIGHTLIGHT: Summer garden party for members of the British societies in New York a Smashing Success!!!

Though Peachy loves Bastille Day and most anything French, she is not French, she is English!  So on July 14th, she joined her friends from the American Friends of Jamaica for the fabulous summer garden party for British societies!  A smashing success, the weather cooperated and the only thing that would have been better is if we wore hats, (but we could not risk ruining them in the possible rain...).  She even brought English people with her.

The summer garden party for members of the British societies in New York was held at the General Theological Seminary located at 440 West 21st Street on July 14th 2010 which welcomed over 320 guests. The annual event was begun over ten years ago when St. George’s Society of New York’s office was in the Seminary.  This year a dozen membership groups with different British/Commonwealth affiliations participated including four new ones: the American Friends of the Georgian Group, the American Friends of Jamaica, the British American Project and the English-Speaking Union of New York.  We love the American Friends of Jamaica as they have honored our friend and Mover and Shaker, Ambassador Brenda LaGrange Johnson:

The other sponsoring associations are: St. George’s Society of New York, American-Scottish Foundation, British Schools and Universities Club, Daughters of the British Empire, New York Caledonian Club, The Pilgrims of the United States, St. Andrew’s Society, St. David’s Society and the Order of St. John.  In the dozen years since it first started, this annual social event has grown in popularity due to its low cost, abundant liquid refreshments, attractive setting and the congeniality of the participants, all of whom in some way or other have an interest in Great Britain.   Whom You Know highly recommends this event.

While New York has many British-related societies, associations and clubs, each with specific objectives and purposes, they seldom have the opportunity to co-sponsor an event for all their members to mingle and enjoy themselves and celebrate the historic ties that bind the United States and the United Kingdom and, more particularly, New York and London, two global capital cities that are linked in innumerable ways.  There is strength in numbers and especially following the recent visit from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II a great number of people will be celebrating Britain’s cultural legacy to New York for years to come. 

If you met Peachy Deegan that night, you may have met Blaine and Jennifer, so we would encourage you to eat at Swifty's:
and shop for Hunter Dixon at Saks, or on their new online store!

Among the lovely guests we enjoyed meeting included:
Sharon Pett

Vicki Downey, her son, and Vladimir the elephant
John Shannon
Yogi Fran
Susan Bang
Donnette E. Chambers
Ellene A. Felder
Dayton T. Carr
Robert H. Moore
Diane Dunne
Daisy Sinclair
James Sinclair
Imoya Monroque
Lesley MacLennan Denninger

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