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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Topricin Anti Inflammatory Pain Relief and Healing Cream Recommended by Whom You Know

Topricin products contain an FDA-regulated propriety blend of homeopathic biomedicines that actually help the body heal the damage that is causing the pain…without grease, odor, chemicals, irritants, parabens, petroleum, or other harsh ingredients, and without side effects.  They are moisturizing and soothing to the skin, and can be used all over the body in individuals from age 2 to 102.  The classic Topricin contains 11 biomedicines is beneficial for treating neck, shoulder, and back pain, sports and trauma injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, sprains, strains, bruises, shingles, bug bites, and such skin conditions as eczema and poison ivy…Plus many other conditions and ailments.  In April of 2010 it was awarded a patent for the treatment of pain associated with fibromyalgia.  The Sporty Peachy panel tried out the classic first, and they say: 

I was a great athlete back in high school and went on to play Division 1 college basketball as well.  It wasn't until my preseason freshman year that I came to realize that I wasn't exactly as "great" as I'd once thought.  That first week I realized I was decent at best.  I found myself limping my way to classes after every workout, muscles I never knew I had hurt something wicked.  That's a Massachusetts word for all of you in New York.  That's when I discovered Atomic Balm Rub.  This rub was no joke, and felt like it was burning my skin off.  Maybe it was.  I used it before and after every workout thinking that it was helping.  After the rub came Joint Juice, and after that came the Ben Gay and Icy Hot.  Fast forward through a college career, a four year professional career and I'm at a point in my life where every workout reminds me of those first weeks of preseason my freshman year, complete with all the aches and pains, but minus the promise of packed arenas and cheering crowds.  So, now it's back to sore knees, feet and upper and lower back, and since I'm not one for pills, I was resigned to just sucking it up and dealing with the pain.  That was until I was introduced to Topricin by Peachy Deegan of Whom You Know.   Topricin has a whole line of creams that are designed for muscle and joint pain, but unlike all the other stuff that I thought was working back in college, this Topricin line really makes a difference.  Plus there is no funky smell or ungodly skin irritation from the heat.
Anti Inflam.
Pain Relief and Healing Cream 8 oz:
Before I go the gym or go or a run I apply Topricin anti inflammatory healing cream to my knees and calves.  Topricin works because its not just hot to the skin it actually penetrates into the muscles and joints and has an anti inflammatory ingredient that keeps me from having nasty
knee pain during and after my work out or runs.  I like this product because I can use it before and after my workout and not smell like I use a sports cream after shave or cologne.  I have even passed this along to my father who has really bad knees and elbow joint pain from years of being a bus mechanic.  He loves it so much I've had to go out buy another bottle for myself.  My father is old school and was a big time skeptic of some miracle cream.  He uses this before he goes out to do his daily walk and before he tackles any yard or house chores.

Topricin Anti Inflammatory Pain Relief and Healing Cream really does the trick. I have had wrist problems and was searching for a product that would help me. I was amazed that this cream worked as well as it says it does. The pain lessened quickly. This product is not greasy and has no odor.  If I have a place to be and am in pain the best part is that I don't have to worry that I'm going to smell like a medicine cabinet. I can use it and be comfortable. I cannot tell you how many nights I have suffered. I have a very low tolerance to pain. Now that I have this product I have nothing to worry about.

My 74 and half year old mother was staying with me with the Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream arrived. Immediately she was intrigued to try this on her ailing knees. At her last doctor’s appointment she was told she was starting arthritis in them. She applied it to her knees that were stiff and slightly painful. Over the next couple of days she applied the cream three to four times daily as the instructions say. Her comments were that the stairs were easier to climb. Bending felt better. Picking up her granddaughter was less difficult. Overall she wanted to take the cream home with her telling me it must have worked.

From Topical BioMedics, Inc.
The research and development leader in topical regulated natural medicines 

Topricin®  Pain Relief and Healing Cream
Introduced by Topical BioMedics, Inc., in 1994, Topricin® Pain Relief and Healing Cream is the company’s flagship product and has become the nation’s leading natural therapeutic topical treatment.  The FDA-regulated, innovative formula brings together 11 homeopathic medicines that work synergistically to relieve pain associated with a wide range of ailments and injuries, including:  fibromyalgia, arthritis, lower back and shoulder pain, sciatica, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, repetitive motion, and trauma and sports injuries, as well as such conditions as shingles and eczema.  Used in hospitals across the country, doctor-recommended Topricin is also safe and effective for treating post-surgical and injection site pain.  Rather than masking pain like most other over-the-count (OTC) topical analgesics, Topricin stimulates the body’s natural healing process.  This greaseless, odorless formula is paraben and petroleum free, and contains no volatile oils, menthol, camphor, capsaicin, or other harsh ingredients.  Topricin’s medicines work naturally-- without any known side effects, drug interactions, or contraindications--for completely safe, effective, rapid healing.  It was awarded a patent for the treatment of fibromyalgia in April 2010.

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