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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Terrific Takeout: Three Guys

Oooh how Peachy Deegan loves making friends with crabcakes! 
And then of course she loves to devour them.  
You know she is a window-looker on Madison, and how can you not take a look at the enticing menu of Three Guys, which has been there since 1978.
That's a lot longer than most Madison avenue stores, we'd say!
The Chicken Parmigiana panini hit the spot and the ingredients were fresh and fabulous. 
You know you can really work up an appetite window shopping on Madison, and this is the solution to your hunger pains!  The tomato sauce and mozzarella were standout.
We tried the Cortu salad, from the Greek section, and after having it we are wondering why every other salad we've eaten doesn't have dill in it.  It is just the right touch!
They held the feta at Peachy's asking, and the romaine, scallions and tomatoes were entirely refreshing.
Three Guys is Terrific Takeout!

960 Madison Avenue
212 628 8108

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