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Thursday, September 13, 2012

TOP TEETH: Dr. Nazarian Returns Back From Armenia!

The team of Dr. Nazarian along with Los Angeles area dentists Dr. Charles Tatosian, Dr. Ashkan Tirgari, Dr. Kimberly Hsu-Carter, and Dr. Steven Merchant, returned from their 10 day Armenia dental outreach program. During their time there over 70 children were treated, all of them receiving an exam, cleaning and flouride treatment.

Many of the children have had minimal opportunity to receive dental treatment in the past and had completed over 65% of their treatment plans before the second team of dentists led by Dr. Viken Garabedian of Laguna Niguel, CA arrived. Treatment included dozens of root canals, over 200 fillings and a handful of extractions!

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212 683 1960
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