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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DAYLIGHT: BEA, Book Expo America, June 2013 A Success Says Whom You Know!

We met Lauren Weisberger and reviewed Revenge Wears Prada since...
We met Nathaniel Philbrick and are working on his book...
We are always reading in our READ THIS column and the book reviews take up a lot of our time and interest.  See the overall category "For the Literary Set."  We're closing in on our 600th book review so get excited to see who it will be.
Here's the exact column, READ THIS:
It DOES matter what you wear to a trade show, no matter what the discipline.  This trade show, BEA, we understand happens only once a year, though we do not know the guy in charge named Steven.  We counted three Laudable Looks at the show:
Andrea!  Making Harper Collins look great.
Rebecca!  Making the American Cancer Society look great.
Lori!  Another attendee, making herself look great.
On Peachy Deegan, who had a little help from her friends:

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