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Sunday, September 20, 2009

READ THIS: HAPPINESS & HEALTH by Rick Foster and Greg Hicks with with Jen Seda, M.D.

9 Choices That Unlock the Powerful Connection Between the Two Things We Want Most


From the bestselling authors of How We Choose to Be Happy

It's Sunday and a good day for everyone to reflect and take time to think of how we can improve our overall lives. Whom You Know recommends Happiness and Health because it gives you great perspective on how you can interpret and live the best life you can. We believe many of our readers recognize the suggestions in this book however a healthy reminder is something many of us need in our hectic city of Manhattan.

It is a fact: a positive attitude affects your health. When you are positive and surround yourself with positive people, you are living your best life. Genetics, diet, exercise, age and brilliant health practices compose your "Wheel of Health" and when you realize what you can control and optimize it, you will be better off.

Nine steps are identified:

When you set up positive intentions, act on them, and keep your word you are promoting both your health and your happiness. You need to identify what brings you joy and just do it! The authors suggest creating a Bliss List.

The book is sprinkled with worthwhile quotes, such as:

"The more passions and desires one has, the more ways one has of being happy."
Catherine Charlotte De Gramont (1639-1678)
Princess of Monaco and Mistress of Louis XIV

Recasting, which is moving through trauma and illness by converting negative emotions into meaning, opportunity and action, has three processes: feel your feelings, find meaning and recognize opportunities. Anger only worsens cardiovascular conditions and increases carotid artery stiffness.

Stories that illustrate each point can be entertaining- certainly the Laundry Goddess was one!

Open up your options, feel and express gratitude, surround yourself with those that honor, support and respect you, and tell the truth! Then you will be on your way to Happiness and Health. Whom You Know recommends this book.


Can being happy make you healthier? An old wives tale is now explored—and proven true with research—in HAPPINESS & HEALTH: 9 Choices That Unlock the Powerful Connection Between the Two Things We Want Most (Perigee Trade Paperback; September 1, 2009; $14.95), by the international bestselling writing team of Rick Foster and Greg Hicks.

For HAPPINESS & HEALTH, Foster and Hicks, who created an international sensation with their best-selling How We Choose to Be Happy (1999) spent more than a decade studying happiness and its relationship to health through their research with the Mayo Clinic and other major medical centers. Along with Jen Seda, M.D., a founding member of Mayo’s Department of Integrative Medicine, Foster and Hicks present the first practical roadmap to creating the positive attitudes, thoughts and behaviors medically proven to fight disease and make us healthier.

Having trained thousands of medical professionals and interviewed thousands more people from all walks of life, Foster and Hicks discovered that, when people follow these 9 choices, they live in a state called “Brilliant Health”—a deep feeling of vitality and wellbeing, a healthier body down to the cellular level, better brain function, faster recovery from illness and injury, better functioning organ systems, and the prospect of a longer and definitely better life.

In HAPPINESS & HEALTH, Rick Foster and Greg Hicks discuss this new health opportunity available to all of us and the techniques for realizing its full potential, including:

Five things you can do each day to be healthier (without diet, exercise or pills)
Key thoughts and behaviors that actually change the pathways in your brain
How to boost your immune system by triumphing over the “victim brain”
A process called recasting, which helps to convert despair into meaning, opportunity, and resilience

Whether readers want simply to boost their own good health or are battling an illness, HAPPINESS & HEALTH offers tried and true, easy-to-follow steps to fully experience a dramatic impact on physical and emotional wellbeing. With a blend of inspiring stories from remarkable people, testimonials from healthcare professionals and science that substantiates the amazing affects of this groundbreaking new system, HAPPINESS & HEALTH changes the way we take control of our bodies — and happiness — forever.

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