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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

NIGHTLIGHT: Thursday December 10th Divamoms and Volkswagon teamed up for a private event

Volkswagen and automotive expert Barbara Terry helped women from across the tri-state area to become “masters of their car domain” with a fun and informative evening of useful car care tips on December 10th at EZ Studios in Manhattan.  Barbara, along with special guest Lyss Stern, our loved Mover and Shaker!, of Divalysscious Moms, invited guests to roll up their sleeves to learn important car know-how, from how to change a tire to and how to check the oil (and why it's important).

Guests also had the opportunity to check out some of Volkswagen's hottest new models, including the stylish and roomy Routan minivan.  Throughout the evening, guests were also treated to complimentary hand-pampering courtesy of Bliss.  We love Bliss: check out our recent coverage!

Some highlights of Barbara's automotive tips:

Checking tire pressure: always check your tire pressure when tires are at a moderate temperature because tires that are too cool or too warm will cause an inaccurate pressure reading.

Checking the oil: using a good quality motor oil is important because it will lubricate better than a lesser quality oil.  If you pay a little more now it will save you big in the future.

Changing a tire: it’s a good idea to know how many miles the average spare tire is good for before it needs to be replaced with a regular tire.  Many Volkswagen 2010 models actually come equipped with full-size spare tires (vs. smaller donut-sized tires), which will behave just like your regular tire once you replace it.

Keeping your door locks prepared: it’s easy to prevent freezing door locks simply by lubricating the doors once a year and using manual door locks every so often (vs. battery operated locks).

For more on Diva Moms (their events are fabulous!!):

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