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Monday, December 7, 2009

See Manhattan on Your Feet!

Peachy Deegan thinks the best way to see the city is on your own two feet!  Although we love love love fun shoes, they are not meant for five mile walks.  Plus, spending too much time in shoes that are bad for your feet will ruin your pretty piggies.  Just this weekend Peachy was at a spa; the girl next to her was having a pedicure and we were truly horrified with the condition of her feet...take care of your feet!   Her toes looked like twisted tree branches and it was quite disgusting to be honest, even if the nailpolish looked good.  If you can't go barefoot on the beach and be proud of your feet what is the point of wearing fun shoes?  It is more fun to have model-worthy feet and be smart to get around with speed, health and comfort.  We have come up with some great solutions for your feet to get you from Point A to Point B!

PLUS, then you don't have to deal with the aggravation of public transportation, sitting in traffic, or sitting in a back of a cab driven by a maniac.  You see more of the city, you notice great things that you wouldn't otherwise, and you get exercise!

We hope you enjoy our new column.

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