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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

READ THIS: The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani

Here is a book for all of you that direct your questions about social media to us!  A guidebook to defining what is out there and how to use it, The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani will turn marketing on its head for those of you that need to have Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and the like defined for you.  A very easy read, this book is a guide to what you need to know and how to use it from a business perspective.  Although we embrace the bespoke and customization in every form at Whom You Know, we think this one-size-fits all approach on this basic level penned by Shama does work for regular working knowledge.  You must understand yourself where you are going; this just defines some paths on how to get there, and if you don't know them prior, it is well-worth the read.


The Zen of Social Media Marketing:
An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue

BenBella Books Releases the First “Living Book” on Social Media Marketing

BenBella Books announces the release of The Zen of Social Media Marketing, authored by Shama Hyder Kabani. The first “living book” on social media, this informative guide on all things social media will be updated regularly online, with the updates available to purchasers.

According to Shama Hyder Kabani, businesses who are wondering whether social media become part of day-to-day marketing are behind the times. An increasing number of consumers are making decisions on purchases based on recommendations received through social media outlets. At this point, social media has found its way into every echelon of the business world, from one-man shops to Fortune 100 corporations. Kabani, president of The Marketing Zen Group, as one of the leaders in the social media marketing field, represents many of these companies. With clients ranging from one of the largest Catholic nonprofits to small businesses and self-published authors, Kabani knows the ins and outs of making social media a profit-generating part of any business.

It’s no longer a question of whether social media will influence your customers and your market – it already is. More than 60 percent of consumers report that they have made a purchasing decision based on recommendations they got through connections on a social media site, and those numbers are increasing rapidly. The only question is whether you plan to let others shape your brand’s online presence, or whether you will get involved and manage it yourself,” Kabani said.

A sought-after speaker for her expertise in social media, Kabani has written a practical, real-world guide to social media that anyone can use. Instead of preaching the gospel of starting to Twitter today, it reminds readers social media marketing comes LAST – after a company has done the hard work of building a great Web site, developing a product strategy and creating a solid product. Or, in the case of job seekers, identifying your strengths and your goals. It also reminds readers that attempting traditional marketing methods in the online world is a short-cut to disaster – because social media is a consumer-driven platform, not a marketing platform (unless, of course, you understand the zen-like secret of success).

“Writing this book, and collaborating with so many outstanding social media professionals to create this social media tool, has given me so much insight into just how little understood social media marketing actually is,” Kabani said.

“Developing a living book seemed so appropriate for the social media field, since it is an ever-evolving space. Why sell someone a printed version only, when much of the information could very well be obsolete in one year?” she continued.

Focusing on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter – social media’s big three – this book provides step-by-step instructions on the best way to get involved, and build your social media network.  It is filled with case studies, interviews with executives and entrepreneurs who are using social media effectively, and tips on avoiding the pitfalls that have caused many would-be social media marketers to fail.

Purchasers of the book will receive a code to go online at  and log in to receive alerts and updates on new social media tips and information. This living book will be updated on a regular basis with all of the most up to date information to make social media a success in any business environment.
Shama Kabani is president of The Marketing Zen Group, a full-service online marketing firm that serves clients around the world. She has been dubbed a “millennial master of the universe" and "online marketing shaman” by Fast Company magazine. In 2009, BusinessWeek honored her as one of the Top 25 Entrepreneurs Under 25 in North America. Shama holds a masters degree from the University of Texas at Austin and prides herself on being a constant learner. Her Web site,, has turned into a high-traffic destination for people looking for advice on how to successfully market businesses online. Companies around the world have hired Shama and her fast-growing digital media agency to guide them through the world of social media marketing. She also hosts a popular Web TV show on new media marketing at Shama.TV, and is regularly quoted on marketing and technology trends by broadcast, print and online media. 

Shama is also a sought-after speaker on social media on the international speaking circuit. Shama can be found on Facebook at and on Twitter at @Shama.


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