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Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hearthware Home Products is increasing awareness and consumer demand for its NuWave Pro Infrared Oven with an expanded TV infomercial campaign, ranked as one of the top five most aired infomercials on television in 2009.   We have tested this at Whom You Know, and this oven really is fabulous.

The January 2010 report from Jordan Whitney, Inc., an independent monitoring agency of both cable and broadcast media, ranks this campaign #4 nationally for 2009. The NuWave Oven is also the #1 infomercial on the chart in the Housewares industry for the year.   As you know we are all about high quality gadgets on Whom You Know, and this is no exception.  We made chicken in it on our first try, but the possibilities are literally endless.  From pizza to roasted vegetables the NuWave oven can make so many of the foods we love.

If you don't yet have an infrared oven, it certainly is a fun addition to your kitchen!  So put some conduction technology into your life!  The NuWave Pro evenly cooks your food from the inside out, safely and quickly.  It comes with a dvd that would answer every question you have about the oven and Chef Harry teaches you everything you need to know about this gadget.  We like the quick reference sheet that comes inside with the instructions that summarizes how you'd want to do various items in the NuWave.  You can literally do a whole meal in this; once your meat, fish or poultry is partly done you can then add vegetables that you can roast too.

The rack you can put on either side depending on whether you want to do the one inch or the four inch level for what you are creating in your new oven.   The digital panel is so easy to use and it automatically cooks on full power.  If you like you can cook at a lower percentage of heat; it goes from 10% to high.    You can buy an extender rack to add to your oven if you like.  If you live in a tiny Manhattan apartment and don't actually have an oven, this one is perfect for you.  Best of all, when you are done you can put the entire mess in the dishwasher; it is dishwasher safe!
The NuWave Pro Infrared Oven business ties in with important consumer trends, including the desire for quick, healthy meals and energy savings.  The advertisements showcase the advantages of the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven, which combines infrared, conduction and convection heat to save time and energy while preparing meals. Food can be prepared without excess fats or oils, and the oven produces up to 250% more fat drippings than conventional ovens. It can broil, roast, bake and steam food up to 50% faster than conventional ovens, and it saves time because it can cook food right out of the freezer, requiring no preheating or defrosting.  

As consumers look to reduce home energy consumption, the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven offers a smart oven alternative, using up to 85% less energy than conventional ovens. An independent study by Silliker Inc. shows that a conventional oven uses up to three times as many kilowatts to cook popular dishes versus the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven. The NuWave Oven does not require ventilation, and is smokeless and odorless. It heats the food, not the kitchen, for additional savings on air conditioning costs. 

Hearthware Home Products offers innovative kitchenware products with advanced technology. For more information, call 888-689-2831, or visit or

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