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Friday, January 28, 2011

Sexy Skin by L.A. Indulgence Highly Recommended by Peachy Deegan!

Peachy Deegan's hair gets a lot of attention.  Part of that is that she is genetically lucky and part of that is that she is fortunate enough to work with some of the greatest stylists in Manhattan in Salon Peachy.  None of it is because she is good at doing her own hair!  (laughter.)  In any event, every stylist she has worked with tells her not to wash her hair everyday.  So what does that mean?  Don't take a shower?  NO!  It means you need a fabulous showercap.  

Where on earth do you find a fabulous showercap?

Well let us tell you in the two years we have been looking we have not found one in Manhattan!

So, we turn to the West Coast.  We love this model called Sexy Skin by L.A. Indulgence!  It totally keeps your hair dry, is a quality showercap and truly has some style!  Gone are the days of boring, lousy showercaps.   It’s the perfect gift for your spa buddy, bridesmaids, mother, sister or just for you.  LA Indulgence was created by 2 seasoned professionals with a passion for fashion, a great eye for the newest trends and the experience to make it all happen.

With 40 years of combined experience in the fashion, gift and accessory industries, they wanted to bring indulgence into every woman’s home. So their first task was to get rid of the shower caps that your mother wore, and bring you into the 21st century, with fashionable shower caps for your shower and bath, so you can bathe and shower in style.The hottest trends are presented and they are all trimmed with the signature satin rose. They are also full sized to fit any hair style or hair length.

These shower caps are sold across the country as well as globally.

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