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Monday, May 9, 2011

Spa Peachy: Ms. Q.V.H. Returns to Mover and Shaker Jennifer Kandemir of Advanced Derma Laser with Smashing Results!

Our first coverage of the fabulous spa, Advanced Derma Laser:
This defines the whole process!  You should read that first if you are new to Spa Peachy and Ms. Q.V.H. and Ms. A.B.H.  

You remember we have not heard from Ms. Q.V.H. in quite some time!

That is because she had a baby!  But now the baby is a few months old and Ms. Q.V.H. is ready to break out the bikini!  We hand it over to her:

As you have read from me before, I have been so elated over my laser hair removal at Advanced Derma Laser in NYC. There is no better solution to hair removal then going Laser. And no better place to have it done than Advanced Derma Laser. When I found out I was pregnant last year in May, my doctor recommended that I suspend my treatments until after having the baby. I checked with Jennifer the fabulous owner of Advanced Derma Laser and she agreed and told me to come back 3 months after having the baby because I was having a c-section and my scar needed to heal. So my son was born at the end of December and I swear one of the first things I started thinking about was first sleep, then making my appointment to start up again.

After only three treatments before I got pregnant, I could already see results. So for the past year, I have watched some hair come in and other patches of smooth hairless spots under my arms, on my legs and on my bikini. I WAS AMAZED at the results already. It was working! So off I went for my fourth treatment. Everyone at Advanced Derma Laser was as wonderful as ever, from signing in to immediately being led to my room at the exact time of my appointment. The waiting lounge (modern furniture with a million new magazines) was full, yet they were still on time.

Jennifer checked the areas we were going to work on and was happy with the way the treatments were progressing. She also looked at my scar and felt it was fine to move ahead in that area as well. The best part is that my skin has very little tan at this point in the season, so she was able to use a stronger laser. Totally an incentive to stay out of the sun and use self-tanner for the next couple of months. She started with my legs which took no longer then 15 minutes. They proceeded to work on my bikini area and nothing felt any different on my c-section scar so that was easy and actually painless as my scar was more numb than anything else.

Next we worked on my under-arms which I have seen the most positive results from. Most of my hair barely grows back and in between shaving at this point it is 10 days before you see anything. The hair has almost been DEFEATED!

Jennifer and I talked about what was new in her business and it was so interesting to hear that men were still on band wagon for removing body hair, but a new category was up and coming. Can you guess? Girls ages 12-16…coming in with their mothers for removing hair above their lip. Jennifer says that so many of these girls are starting to grow hair earlier and earlier and permanently removing their mustache area is a huge trend. Jennifer has helped many girls gain confidence and really feel better about themselves at a time when they are going through puberty with lower-self esteem. Trust is so important and I have continuously shared with you all how I feel about working with Jennifer. Having been through it all herself (She says that no one was hairier then her) she is compassionate, thorough and a godsend.

You know something is great, when you are excited in booking your next appointment! See you in six weeks!

So no matter what part of your body you are interested in a more permanent solution, make your appointment today with Jennifer.

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