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Sunday, September 11, 2011

BC will never forget

From Boston College:

On Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. experienced a devastating blow that forever changed the country and our world. At Boston College, we mark the 10th anniversary of this tragedy with a day of remembrance for the 22 alumni we lost that day—our friends, classmates, and students.

One of those brave individuals was recently highlighted in a film produced by ESPN Sports. Welles R. Crowther '99, a member of the Boston College men's lacrosse team, emerged as one of the true heroes that day. The equities trader and volunteer firefighter singlehandedly saved the lives of more than a dozen people in the World Trade Center's South tower, before losing his own life.

Welles's story is one of bravery, compassion, and sacrifice—and a moving example of how even in the darkest of moments, there is a light that will always shine through.

Today, as we look back on 9/11, we celebrate that light and the lives of Welles R. Crowther and his fellow Eagles, whose names adorn a Memorial Labyrinth on the Burns Library lawn that was dedicated in their memory in 2003.

They will live on in our hearts forever, and we will never forget them.

Patrick M. Aranyos '97
Bryan C. Bennett '98
Thomas M. Brennan '91
John B. Cahill '66
Kevin P. Connors '68
Welles Remy Crowther '99
Danielle A. Delie '76
John J. Doherty '66
Thomas J. Fitzpatrick '87
Christopher J. Hanley '88
Gary Lasko '73
Sean P. Lynch '89
Stacey Sennas McGowan '85
Daniel W. McNeal '94
William G. Minardi '77
Peter J. Mulligan '95
John J. Murray '90
Edward J. Papa '76
Bradley H. Vadas '86
Edward R. Vanacore '94, MS'95
Joseph G. Visciano '01
Kevin M. Williams '99

To read more about BC's 9/11 coverage, click here


Without her Boston College degree, Peachy Deegan would have never made it to New York and Lehman Brothers, and you would not be reading Whom You Know.

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