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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

From War To Peace: A Company Devoted to The Greater Good-Peachy Deegan recommends the St. Christopher Medal

No matter where you are, we imagine you are constantly in a state of flux, running around!  This is a common occurrence in Manhattan....running around.  And St. Christopher is the saint of people traveling!

As we have said in the past, Whom You Know is not focused on religion per se, but if we were, we would be from the church of "I Cheer for Boston College Football" which is a special division of the Catholic Church that cheers for BC and against Notre Dame in the Holy War...actually we are definitely from that church and Regis Philbin if you are reading, Peachy wants to make a bet with you before you go off the air...

Christopher Peace Bronze pendant on a gold plated ball chain.
As the ancient saying goes: 'Behold St Christopher and go thy way in safety'

Saint Christopher is listed as a martyr who died under Decius. Christopher has always been a widely popular saint, being especially revered by athletes, mariners, ferrymen, and travelers. Saint Christopher will help keep you safe!
Each pendant is 1" tall by 3/4" wide.

All of the peace jewelry is created from Peace Bronze™ - recycled from disarmed nuclear missile systems. Your opportunity to promote your personal dedication to a peaceful and green world.

They tell us on their site:
From War to Peace is dedicated to recycling weapons of war into peaceful symbols of beauty and function. We turn bombs into beauty, hate into love, and war into peace. Here at From War to Peace, we recycle metals from disarmed nuclear weapons systems and use it to create a wonderful alloy we call Peace Bronze. With it, we cast jewelry and other art dedicated to creating a more peaceful world.

We believe that war is failure, and that peace is triumph. At from war to peace, starting with one weapon at a time, we hope to see a demilitarized world in our lifetime.

Join us in remaking our planet into a happier and healthier home for us all.

“Turn your swords into plowshares, and nations shall know war no more.” ---Books Micah and Isiah, the Old Testament

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