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Monday, September 19, 2011

Healthy Peachy: Nature's Tears EyeMist by Health Enterprises

I wear contacts and my eyes tend to become dry by the end of the day. I have always used drops and was a little hesitant to try a spray. Now, I will only use the spray. I was so happy with how fast and effective this was. It kept my eyes hydrated for a long time. I haven't found any other drops that work as long. I have several friends that wear contacts or have symptoms of dry eye that I have suggested this product to them.

I do not like using eye drops, which is a problem since I have dry eyes. Unfortunately, dry eyes come with the aging process along with the white hair. I was shopping at my favorite drug store the other day and happened upon a solution to my problem. Health Enterprises manufactures, right here in the good old USA, Nature's Tears Eye Mist. It is an all natural product that does not blur, sting or burn when applied. It is free of saline and chemicals and easy to apply and can be used with contacts. With your eyes open, hold the dispenser about a foot from your face, depress the actuator and spray from one side of your face to the other, that's it. I must confess, the other night while driving home late, I used the Nature's Tears Eye Mist while driving, what a relief to my tired, dry eyes. You can't do that with eye drops. The package contains two, one fluid ounce misters, one for home, one for the car, or purse.

Night club eyes: we all live with them. Back in the day when it was a smoky environment, dry eyes were commonplace. Red, itchy, dry......normal, and all we had were eyedrops. Bleary eyes, begone! Health Enterprises to the rescue! In this little box comes a natural way to moisturize, and not just your eyes. It's a spray that adds "supplemental moisture to the tear film", that can also be used in conjunction with eyedrops. The fine mist is wonderful as a refreshment from a mucky summer day, and will add a glow to your face as well. It's a two-for: the box comes with two spray cans, tiny enough to carry with you in a purse. Make your eyes happy, and your skin will love you, too.

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