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Thursday, November 3, 2011


"Peachy Deegan introduced herself to me about a year ago. We were at a footwear trade show at the New York Hilton.  
She was combing the halls for product she might have an interest in. What drew her to our booth was, 
I believe, her love of Italian shoes. She was very curious and it was refreshing to meet someone with the energy to do
their own due diligence. Peachy was on a mission and had no extra time for idle chatter. She wanted to know all the details 
about the specific products she admired. She seemed ruthless with her time. Could we send her some styles? 
By When? Hmmm a tough cookie. You had to admire her verve. 
This was my first introduction to online journalism. Had a vague idea what it was but no real grasp. Just beginning to grapple with 
Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter......conceptually. Its not who you know but whom you know . The grammatical use of which is 
not archaic or an affectation though it would be hard if not impossible for people my age to listen to Bo Didley singing 
Whom do you Love! Whom.... an objective pronoun. Makes you think huh?  
Peachy Deegan didn’t invent online journalism but she certainly has her own unique approach. She has her own point of view. If she d
oesn’t want to cover something she won’t. No exceptions. Period. End of story. She cant be sold on something.  
She either likes the person or the product or she doesn’t but in a world where most if not all media is 'soaked' in negativity 
Peachy and her website remain positive on all that she chooses to present. No ankle biting here, no nuanced innuendo or 
backhanded compliments,  no qualified praise no hesitancy . What’s best about Peachy, from my point of view, is the patriotic 
Peachy. She loves good things but she really loves good things American. Who cant get behind that? And what is more 
American than Peachy’s site 'Whom You Know.' Its not cotton candy. Its not a fuzzy Renoir. Its more if you don’t 
have something good to say don’t say it at all. In the music world it's said that 'dissonance requires resolution' In t
he world of screechy websites and blogs, Peachy's 'Whom You Know' IS that resolution."

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