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Monday, April 30, 2012

Mover and Shaker Consuelo Costin for The Ovarian Cancer Coalition of Greater California: "Find A Way" New Hit Single Released in Her Mother's Honor

Dear Friends and Family,

It was four years ago today that my mother, Serena, passed away from Ovarian Cancer. There is not a moment that goes by that I don't think about her and wish that I could see her beautiful smiling face. Had my mother known the symptoms of this 'silent killer', we may have caught the disease in its early stages and she might still be alive today.

I am proud to release my single "Find A Way" in her honor and will donate 100% of the proceeds to The Ovarian Cancer Coalition of Greater California. This organization has gone above and beyond to help raise funds for education and research toward finding a cure for a disease that will claim the lives of more than 15,000 women this year alone. 

Ovarian Cancer research is grossly underfunded and every penny truly counts. Please pass this email to all of your friends, colleagues and family and help fight this horrible disease,

For more information on Ovarian Cancer, and to familiarize yourselves with the symptoms that can easily go unnoticed, please visit

"Until there is a test awareness is best." 
- Gayle Mckenna Occ.

"Find A Way"
C & R Productions
Written by Consuelo Costin & Roachford
Produced by Peter Amato

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