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Thursday, June 21, 2012

READ THIS: Downside Abbey An Architectural History Edited by Dom Aidan Bellenger Published by our friends at Merrell

When Peachy's not watching Downton Abbey, she is reading about Downside Abbey!  Truly authentic, since this book comes from our publisher friends across the pond in England-Merrell-Downside Abbey is the architectural history of the Neogothic Church in Somerset, and it represented the renaissance of Roman Catholicism in England.  Yes, in this case, the Abbey is a church.

In keeping with the high-quality style that is prevalent among all Merrell works we have reviewed, this even begins with a schematic plan, color-coded and organized by year and darkness in order as such.  Completely fascinating how everything was built around the Old House.  This is a work that is about the buildings rather than what they stood for.  If you are from New England, you'll hear many names of towns that are in your state (Glastonbury!)  but are obviously the corresponding originals on the other side of the Atlantic.

From late Gothic Spanish to Victorian objects to the details emblazoned upon choir stalls, the level of detail and accuracy will not only impress you but astound you.  The bells, the stained glass and the sheer history that envelops these pages will give everyone American that hasn't left the country a new sense of old.

If you are still in the dark, we will throw out a limb and mention Harry Potter...some of these buildings look like places that could have appeared in those movies and books.  And, as you might imagine, the photography here is terrific.  From older historic prints to current ones, they each add a dimension to the story that is uniquely Downside Abbey.  It may not be Downton, but it appears to be equally stunning.  One day we hope to see them both!

Whom You Know Highly Recommends Downside Abbey!


Described by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner as ‘the most splendid demonstration of the renaissance of Roman Catholicism in England’, the Neo-Gothic church at Downside Abbey, Somerset, was built between the 1880s and the 1930s under the direction of some of the country’s most renowned ecclesiastical architects. This elegant new book reviews the history and construction of this magnificent building, designed to rival the scale of England’s great medieval Gothic cathedrals. Contributions by distinguished architectural historians explore, among other subjects, Thomas Garner’s majestic choir, Sir Giles Gilbert Scott’s soaring nave and the exquisitely redesigned Lady chapel of Sir Ninian Comper. Generously illustrated throughout with drawings, plans, archival photography and dramatic new images by Paul Barker, one of the UK’s pre-eminent architectural photographers, Downside Abbey is an absorbing account of a remarkable place of worship.

A unique and beautiful book celebrating the architecture of this magnificent English abbey church

Features specially commissioned images by acclaimed architectural photographer Paul Barker

Includes contributions from such leading architectural historians as Gavin Stamp and Alan Powers

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