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Monday, October 22, 2012

Oscillococcinum Early Stage Quick Action by Boiron Highly Recommended by Whom You Know! Thank Goodness Sick Peachy is Feeling Better thanks to this amazing brand!

I hate most cold and flu medicines, because my head gets loopy. And I also feel like I am over medicated for just a cold. If you looking for an alternative to all of the cold medicines out on the market like I am, here you go. When you feel anything starting to come on, immediately take an Oscillococcinum Early Stage Quick Action from Boiron. Totally homeopathic and filled with healthy ingredients. It will boost your immune system to fight off germs. With two little children coming home from school with every germ in the history of germs, Oscillococcinum is on hand at all times at my house. Believe me it helps!

It's just about that time of year that getting sick is inevitable. It's more so for me since I work with 2nd graders. I can usually tell when my teacher immune system is about to break down. I'm so glad I now have the Oscillococcinum Early Stage Quick Action tablets by Borion. I usually get really sick with flu like symptoms at some point around December and January. Because I've used most everything else to help relieve my symptoms, they no longer work. I'm always looking for something new that will work. I've tried other homeopathic remedies for other ailments in the past with great success, so I know this will work better than what I've taken in the past.

Now that summer is over, cold and flu season is going to begin once again. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I won't get sick, but I know that I most likely will at some point before the weather gets warm again! I absolutely hate taking pills and syrups when I am sick. I do not like putting all those drugs and chemicals in my body. Sometimes, I would rather just suffer through the symptoms. With Boiron's Oscillococcinum Homeopathic Medicine, I can find relief from my symptoms without taking drugs that will cause nasty side effects. Oscillococcinum works with your body to reduce the duration and severity of flu and flu-like symptoms. And on top of all of the medicine is easy to swallow, as it dissolves in your mouth! This flu season is not going to be so bad after all!

It's that time of year again, sniffle, cough. Yes, that's right it is cold season but you don't have to let it keep you in bed. Oscillococcinum made by Boiron is there to help you in your time of need. This homeopathic medicine helps to work with your body to heal and re- balance so you can eliminate any early onset of your flu like symptoms. When taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, it can help reduce the severity and duration. Use this for body aches, headaches, fevers, chills and fatigue. This non-drowsy medicine works naturally with your body so there are no side effects, or medicine head type feelings. Trust the world leader in homeopathic medicine, Boiron and Oscillococcinum to get you back on your feet again and avoid calling in sick.

Experts agree that the sooner cold and flu symptoms are treated, the better chance there is for a quick recovery and minimum disruption of lifestyle. Yet people hesitate to take action at the crucial early stage for lots of reasons. Typically, they wait until they are “sick enough” to take medications made for the purpose of masking full-blown symptoms. The key, however, is to start with a medicine like Oscillococcinum® that nips symptoms in the bud.

Cold and flu sufferers may be reluctant to take action for several reasons. First, it’s difficult to tell where early symptoms will lead. They might start with orange juice or a nap, adding different treatments, step-by-step, as time passes if symptoms grow worse.

“I see it all the time,” says Robert Schiller, M.D., department chairman of Family Medicine, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City. “Patients take great proactive steps like washing their hands frequently and taking a multivitamin. They don’t know what to do, though, when they start to get sick. They wait until their condition gets so bad that they can’t sleep at night or function during the day, so they have nothing to lose by taking something that will put them in a fog.”

The problem is that when cold and flu sufferers get to the point of taking a medication that will suppress symptoms until the body heals on its own, the action of suppressing symptoms is counterproductive to what the body is doing to help itself. 

Instead of masking symptoms, Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine that works with the body to help it re-balance and heal itself. Four clinical studies show that Oscillo® helps reduce both the severity and duration of flu-like symtpoms.1-4 In fact, when patients took Oscillo within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, nearly 63 percent showed “clear improvement” or “complete resolution” within 48 hours, according to the latest study published in a British scientific journal.1 These results confirm results from previous studies.

“Patients have told me that they feel much better the next morning, even when they thought they would be bedridden the evening before. It’s the step to take after proactively trying to prevent illness with vitamins, but before it gets to the point where you think you need to mask symptoms with heavy duty medication,” says Dr. Schiller. “For years I’ve been telling my patients to keep Oscillococcinum on hand.”

Beyond not knowing what’s afflicting them or not feeling sick enough to act, cold and flu suffers hold off from treatment for other reasons. Some, like drivers, equipment operators, pilots and night workers, can’t take antihistamines or decongestions that can cause drowsiness. Others 
just don’t like the thought of taking a medication or they don’t like to admit they’re vulnerable to winter ailments. Consequently, they might not be prepared to take quick action. The rise in sales of cough, cold and flu medications every season in conjunction with the rise of illness levels suggests that many folks purchase a treatment only at the height of their symptoms.

It’s best, though, to be prepared. With a 65-year safety record, no side effects such as drowsiness, and no interactions with other medications or supplements, there’s no reason to delay taking Oscillococcinum when feeling run-down, and have a headache, body aches, chills and fever. Oscillo’s sweet-tasting pellets dissolve quickly under the tongue without water. Each dose is packaged individually in a compact and portable plastic tube, making it convenient to take on the go and easy to keep handy in a purse, gym bag or desk.

In preparation for winter, consumers can conveniently pick up this non-prescription family medicine on shelves nationwide in drug stores, supermarkets, health food stores, and mass merchandisers in the cough, cold and flu section. The average retail price for the popular 6-dose is $11.99. Consumers can visit the new Web site for a coupon or to find the nearest store that carries Oscillo.


About Boiron: 

Boiron, world leader in homeopathic medicines, is a $730 million public company with 4,000 employees and distribution in more than 80 countries. It is best known for Oscillococcinum, a top-selling flu medicine, and its Arnicare® line of pain relievers. For 80 years, Boiron has been committed to funding scientific research and educating the public and healthcare professionals on homeopathic medicines. As a pharmaceutical company, Boiron maintains the highest standards in manufacturing, complying with U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States and drug Good Manufacturing Practices.

Note to Editors: A pediatrician and/or general physician is available for interview. Interviews with a local retailer or pharmacist are possible depending on locations. A digital image of the product can be e-mailed. 


Papp R., et al. “Oscillococcinum® in patients with influenza-like syndromes: a placebo-controlled double blind evaluation.” British Homeopathy Journal April 1998, Vol 87, 69–76.

Ferley JP., et al. “A controlled evaluation of a homeopathic preparation in the treatment of influenza-like syndromes.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1989, 27: 328–335.

Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Technique, University of Marseilles, France, March 1985.

Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Technique, University of Marseilles, France, April 1983.

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