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Monday, February 4, 2013

Kick Off Your February Putting the Right Foot Forward with Paul Mayer Attitudes! February's Shoe of the Month will Compliment Your LV Collection...

It's Valentine's Day almost...and that means checking off everyone on your list...however, do not forget your two best friends located at the bottom of each leg!  That's right-buying new shoes for yourself is an absolutely fantastic way to celebrate the feet that take you everywhere in life, and you know by now that Paul Mayer Attitudes are of the utmost quality, matching a timeless elegance with unsurpassed comfort that allow Mademoiselle Peachy for one to scope out the very best in Manhattan for miles with her feet in perfect condition.  And, as Paul pointed out to us, this model is "Perfect to wear with your LV handbag!"  To that we might add all your LV luggage-so perhaps you would like to Take a Trip to somewhere warmer and break out all those trunks?  No matter where you are for the month of February, your feet will be in a state of grace when you are wearing these gorgeous shoes!
Get your new attitudes here:

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