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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Terrific Takeout: Grimaldi's at Limelight Our Coverage Sponsored by ECO SWIM BY AQUA GREEN

ECO SWIM BY AQUA GREEN is a sustainable-minded collection of eco bathingsuits that is committed to making a difference through fashion. ECO SWIM BY AQUA GREEN's focus is to promote ocean awareness and responsibility for our planet while providing an alternative that compliments a discerning mindset for leadership in style and fashion. 
ECO SWIM AQUA GREEN swimwear is made in America with every effort to reduce your carbon footprint in the sand™. ECO SWIM BY AQUA GREEN is about feeling good about your purchases and conscious actions today that create a better world for tomorrow. 
Mmmmmm pizzza.  We look all over Manhattan for the best pizza and we have fallen in love with a place new to us: Grimaldi's at Limelight.  When we look for a top pizza place, obviously their pizza has got to be exceptional but it can't be all about the pizza.  We are also looking for depth of talent on the menu.  The Rangers won't win another Stanley Cup without five guys up front helping out King Henrick and by the same token a pizza place is not good without talented salads and appetizers.  Everyone that has read us before knows what Peachy likes on her pizza and she politely makes that clear, so she let Grimaldi's pick out the rest.  Boy are they smart. Above you see the antipasta!  Fresh mozzarella, oven-roasted sweet peppers, genoa salami, sicilian olives and oven-toasted crostini await you.  This is an amazing start and you will almost cry when those oven-roasted sweet peppers vanish in front of your eyes and in to your happy stomach.
Not to be outdone, the Caesar salad also proved to be delicious.  Mayor Bloomberg these salads are for you!  And our health and the health of readers.  You should know that...fresh greens danced in a lovely dressing that we adored.  
We particularly loved the fresh parmesean on top.
Grimaldi's also makes their own salad: "Grimaldi Salad."  This is a fresh party of romaine, red onion, mushrooms, sicilian olives, cherry tomatoes and drum roll please, those oven-roasted sweet peppers that were mentioned above make a second appearance so you will not miss them too much.  Finished in a balsamic vinaigrette, this was the perfect side to a pizza.
What?  A plain pizza?  you think....Peachy always orders vegetables and pepperoni.  Well the people at Grimaldi's proved their excellent taste here again.  They said they wanted Peachy to try it this way so she could see what it was like not dressed up and ready to go to her stomach soiree.  
The plain pizza was in a word, phenomenal.  Not every pizza joint in this city can do this right even with the great water here.  The cheese was fresh mozzarella which does make all the difference. The sauce was spectacular and the crust was done just right.  You want to order this pizza.
However everyone does have their personal tastes and Peachy tries to be a vegetable monster in the name of not getting cancer among other things so to that end she picked oven-roasted sweet peppers, onion, mushroom, fresh garlic and the devil in her ordered pepperoni.  To us, this is a great combination and every item was fresh and what it should be.
Holly Golightly said, "There are certain shades of limelight that can wreck a girl's complexion."
Peachy Deegan said, "Not this one.  
Grimaldi's at Limelight is Terrific Takeout!"

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