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Monday, November 25, 2013

Pook Dukes Are Just What You Need to Brave the Cold with in Manhattan or Whatever Chilly Climate You're In! A Great Match for the Pook Toque

Tony Pook has previously been featured in Laudable Looks:

And we have also featured the Pook Toque:
Baby it is COLD outside in Manhattan, and no one in their right mind would leave their city dwelling and go out into this frigidity without covering their hands properly, so may we suggest the fantastic Pook Dukes!  
When we think of putting up your dukes, we think of The Cowardly Lion:
Cowardly Lion: Put 'em up, put 'em up! Which one of you first? I'll fight you both together if you want. I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I'll fight you standing on one foot. I'll fight you with my eyes closed... ohh, pullin' an axe on me, eh? Sneaking up on me, eh? Why, I'll... Ruff! 
Time to Brave the Cold and FIGHT OFF old man winter by putting up YOUR dukes, the Pook ones of course!  MADE IN CANADA!!!!  Show your true patriot love for our neighbors to the north-all the cool kids at hockey games wear these.

These were a natural second item in our line. Same deal, made of super über cool wool socks and seriously warm (scientists have proven they're the warmest mitts on the earth). I'm not sure if you subscribe to 'mitten magazine international' but if you do you would have seen George Clooney wearing them on the 2012 Jan cover.

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