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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BBC Home Entertainment Vikings Highly Recommended by Whom You Know Our Coverage Sponsored by Stribling and Associates

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BBC Vikings is an incredibly well-researched and well-presented portrait of the Vikings. The three-part series is narrated and presented by Scottish historian, Neil Oliver. This means that, in addition to learning all sorts of fascinating new information about the Vikings, we get to listen to a fantastic Scottish accent as a bonus. From their geography, history and engineering developments, the Vikings were a fascinating people and BBC’s Vikings really brings them (back) to life. We start off in Scandinavia – Norway, Sweden and around the Baltic Sea, and learn about their everyday lives, traditions and innovations. From there, we travel further – as the Vikings did – to Russia and further into the middle east, to cities such as present-day Turkey and Iraq. Along with Neil Oliver, we get to explore their influence and reach through trade and travels! I knew the Vikings explored west, into England and Ireland, but did not know that had an equally strong, perhaps even stronger, reach to the East! Another interesting new fact I learned was the name Russia originated from Viking history – from the word referring to “the men who row”. For anyone interested in learning about the Vikings and history on the European continent, this is a great watch!

Tracing history, through the Iron Age and the Bronze , the BBC presents visual exploration to bring us closer to remnants of who we know as The Vikings. Neil Oliver, an archeologist, obviously enamored of the wheres and whyfores of these mystifying peoples, literally walks us through Scandinavia on a route of discovery. Cameras take us on an adventure of pre-Viking settlements and remnants. From the dragonheads carved into powerful boats, to the tors we know as burial grounds, Mr. Oliver share museum artifacts and countless stories to lay Viking lives and customs at our feet. Relics from Norway, Gotland, and onto St. Petersburg, where the Vikings landed, traded, and settled. Including even a recipe for a thousand and more year old mead, meats and homes, the series depicts the basics of this multi-land culture. With shots of ancient artifacts, the amazing development of the Vikings ventures into their boats, and launches us on adventure. Sometimes on ice, sometimes across the rocky terrain of the North, the BBC cameras give us panoramas that demonstrate the flavor of an age. if you are a fan of this culture, or any historical discovery, this series will enrich your knowledge and provide little known facts. Indeed a marvelous way to delve into a culture and timeframe, this series will give a thrilling overview to the vast reach of the Vikings.

There are few historical cultures that such vivid images and preconceived notions as the Vikings. Ask just about anyone, and you'll hear responses involving the horned helmets, the ruthlessness of the warriors, and the Viking quest for domination. While these descriptions are not incorrect, they do tend to put the Vikings in a fairly unfavorable light. However, thanks to BBC Home Entertainment's Vikings: The Real Warriors, a 3-part series presented by archaeologist Neil Oliver, more of the true story of the Vikings is uncovered. Oliver travels to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, among other places, in a quest to uncover the real history of the Vikings. Through his efforts, the picture of the Vikings that starts to take shape is a picture of a society that was adventurous, intelligent, and highly ambitious. Within a time period spanning less than 200 years, they managed to evolve from an illiterate society on the brink of collapse to an empire spanning a good portion of the globe. Fierce? Yes. Ruthless? Yes. However, through watching the series, viewers are able to get a much more well-rounded picture of a truly remarkable, advanced, and fascinating society. Highly recommended by this panelist!

I was intrigued to find out who was behind the” Vikings” BBC series. I loved learning about Neil Oliver who is a historian, archeologist, author and broadcaster. With all of this incredible knowledge, I knew this series was going to have real credibility as well as being entertaining. Team him up with the BBC and of course we have a winner. After this series Vikings may become the new trendy historical group to enter into pop culture. Learn about the legends that shape the way people perceived this group and whether these perceptions of pillagers and ruthless men were true. I enjoyed the on-site experience where you felt like you were a part of their history. Great for history buffs and those wanting an greater insight into a world of unknowns.


Length: Approx. 180 mins / single disc

Were the Vikings blood-drenched pillagers? Or savvy adventurers and entrepreneurs? Discover exciting new insights as historian Neil Oliver digs for clues. You’ll travel to archaeological sites in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, where Norsemen launch expeditions and raids. Watch in amazement as the warriors settle Britain, Iceland and Greenland and transform themselves from illiterate pagans into Christian farmers, statesmen and kings—all in less than 200 years. The dramatic truth behind the legends will change your understanding of Vikings forever.

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