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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Peachy at the New York Historical Society: Holiday Express: Toys and Trains from the Jerni Collection through February 22, 2015 Our Coverage Sponsored by Maine Woolens

Märklin 5-g
auge locomotive, 1905. New-York Historical Society, The Jerni Collection

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A hit for children and adults alike, the New-York Historical Society's Holiday Express should choo-choo right into your planner under exhibits to check out until its February 22 conclusion. This short but sweet exhibit t
ransforms the lobby of the New York Historical Society this holiday season with the installation of a spectacular exhibit of treasures from the renowned Jerni Collection, now owned by the New-York Historical Society, of model trains, scenic elements and toys. The dynamic display will appeal to all age groups, showcasing the beauty and allure of toys from a bygone era and you'll be whisked away into the scenic villages behind the glass cases. Watching the pathways of the trains will fascinate you endlessly, transporting you back to your childhood of trains going around the Christmas tree.
The Holiday Express exhibition unfolds on the New-York Historical’s first floor, featuring pieces from the Jerni Collection that will transform the space into a magical wonderland. With the aid of theatrical lighting, an ambient audio “soundscape,” and other visual effects, visitors are engaged in an immersive experience. The exhibition begins at the West 77th Street entrance, where movement and sound from four large-scale multimedia screens will make it seem as though trains are roaring through the space. A 360-degree mountainous landscape will be on view in the Judith and Howard Berkowitz Sculpture Court, featuring artifacts grouped into ten scenes. No MTA card needed! Check this out on the Upper West Side. 

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