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Friday, March 23, 2018

A Peachy's Pick Since 2011, Marcony Winter 2018 Our Coverage Sponsored by Fresh Origins @microgreens

Just Ducky: Breast of Duck with Orange Brandy Teriyaki Sauce
Smile and Say BURRATA!  From Puglia
Codfish special
Fresh Origins is America’s leading producer of Microgreens and Edible Flowers. Combining the benefits of an ideal climate with a deep passion for quality and innovation, Fresh Origins products are sought after by the finest restaurants and top chefs. The farm is located in the picturesque rolling hills of San Diego County, where the near perfect weather allows for production and harvest all year. Fresh Origins produces almost 400 Microgreens, Petitegreens, Edible Flowers, Shoots, Tiny Veggies™ and related items. Many are not available anywhere else, with new introductions nearly every month. Fresh Origins products are on top of the finest cuisine in the world! Fresh Origins supplies distributors of specialty produce who serve fine dining restaurants and resorts nationwide. There are also a few online sources of their products available to private chefs and home cooks. Read our first Culinary Queen interview with Kelly Sasuga:
For more information about Fresh Origins, visit their website at 
 Everyone has had enough of winter in Manhattan.
It's time to go somewhere where it is ALWAYS SUMMER.
It is one of our FAVORITES and we have featured it continuously since we began visiting it and it became a Peachy's Pick in 2011.  It is above and beyond 99% of any new place opening in Manhattan today, many of which will come and go.
Of the thousands of restaurants we have considered and the hundreds we have published on, few have a Mover and Shaker at the helm.
Marco Pipolo, owner and founder of Marcony, is a Mover and Shaker:
Marco is one of our FAVORITES.
Not just because he acquires some of the most coveted Italian wine...
Marcony is named after Marco of course, and you add NY at the end.  You know what NY is for!
 The lizard logo is evocative of the summer nature, which right down to the lighting mimics the beautiful Island of Capri, where Marco is from in Italy.  The lighting is among the most gorgeous in Manhattan (be careful and do not back up into the lighting!).
 The atmosphere is ideal and a bastion of serenity; warm welcoming buzz surrounds you without being loud.  You will feel like you are on the Good Ship Lollipop in the most sophisticated way.
Marcony was last featured in the Summer of 2017:
It earned a spot in Peachy's Picks in 2011:
Marco says when he met us we only had 40,000 followers; we think he is being generous and it was far fewer in 2011.
Marco personally designed Marcony.  We like the wine arrangement. 
We began with the gorgeous Carfiofi all giudea, beautiful from all angles.  You will be greeted by a welcoming crunch and a warm and soft inside to follow.  It is absolutely incredible in this weather in particular. 
 Crispy roasted baby artichokes, arugula salad and lemon dressing culminate in a striking salad start.
 You cannot go wrong with Tomato, Prosciutto and Burrata, a special the night we visited.  Sourced from Puglia, these are immensely fresh and of the utmost quality as they partake in partying with arugula.
 Another special that absolutely hit the spot was Zucchini Rolls.  They are simply outstanding at Marcony, perched upon perfect tomato sauce made fresh on premises every day.  Ricotta and parmigiana, two of our most favorite vegetables, join the zucchini in striking a pose on your plate and wowing your stomach later.  The trifecta of taste awaits you, so go ahead, make your own day.  All cheeses are of course sourced from Italy and they are the ultimate in creaminess, outstanding freshness and flavor. 
 There is nothing better to eat in Manhattan than Tortellini Marcony.  Nothing.  We had to check one more time though.
 You need to eat this to fully understand the decadent deliciousness!  There are 5 stars in Peachy's menu notes on this dish.  Spinach and cheese filled fresh pasta with black and white truffle cream sauce will be the best part of your life, not merely your day.  Words do not do this dish justice.  Eight of them arrive, each of which you should savor slowly. 
Both by land (below) and by sea (above), Marcony excels at entree specials.  You know by now that Peachy has eaten the whole menu probably twice, so we love to see the specials.  The specials are always enticing, and by the way, not every place we started going to 7 years ago is still thriving in this column...some lost their leases, and some are not as good as Marcony so we are not writing on them anymore.  To be on top you have to stay on top.
The codfish filet is pan-seared with red pepper and green zucchini and emanates further flavor with honey teriyaki sauce.  It's also beautifully cut.  The Breast of Duck is amazingly finished with orange brandy teriyaki sauce that will entice you to no end.  It comes with red beet mashed potatoes (Yes John-Claude Hallak, mashed potatoes can come in your color) and baby carrots.  We rarely see Teriyaki and would like to see it more often.  We ate it a lot with steak at Chuck's Steak House in the 1980s. 
 Vanilla ice cream and chocolate lava cake is the perfect conclusion! 

We love Marcony: Marcony continues to be Highly Recommended!

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