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Friday, October 11, 2013

NIGHTLIGHT: Presenting Geoffrey Bradfield Artistic License at Galerie Dumonteil on Park Avenue in Manhattan Thursday, October 10, 2013 Bravo to You Geoffrey Once Again!

Roric Tobin and Mover and Shaker Geoffrey Bradfield

Last night was a celebration of Geoffrey Bradfield's new book, Artistic License.
Read his Mover and Shaker Interview:
Our review of Ex-Arte by Geoffrey:
Our review of A 21st Century Palace by Geoffrey:
We celebrated our 300th post in Chez Peachy with another interview of Geoffrey after 21st Century Palaces:
We will be reviewing Artistic License.
Listen to Geoffrey speak about his new book:

 We've said it before: there are interior designers, and then there is Geoffrey Bradfield. He's simply the best.
When you are reading his books, that is more apparent than ever.
Equally amazing as his books are his soirees!
Creative, gorgeous, positive and welcoming, everything about a celebration given by Geoffrey is quintessentially fun and he is the Gatsby of today that Fitzgerald once dreamt of.
We were delighted to see:
Geoffrey Bradfield
Roric Tobin
Tina Krivoshein
Monique Van Vooren
Jean Shafiroff (& we look forward to seeing you soon!)
Cece Black
Lee Black
Margo Langenberg
Montgomery Frazier
Ben Mindich
Chiu-Ti Jansen
Gillian Miniter
Sylvester Miniter
Muni Rihani Al-Nassir (& we look forward to seeing you soon!)
Cole Rumbough
Ann Watt
Rachel Hovnanian
Justin Concannon
Emma Snowdon Jones
Shaun Mader
& many new friends as well!
Oh, and it looks like she's wearing new shoes!
Who could it be?
Hint: read our post from yesterday on Lotus...

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