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Monday, April 7, 2014

Mover and Shaker Emilio Cavallini Has Just the Thing For Your Legs As the Winter Chill Leaves Manhattan!

Whom You Know featured this collection before, and we're wearing it now more than ever.  It is just perfect weather for stockings in Manhattan now.  The freezing cold days are behind us, but it's warm enough to briskly walk with that special something adorned on your legs, setting you apart from the rest.  Emilio Cavallini has crafted the most exquisite styles that accent your look with panache!  They are all made in Florence, Italy and the quality is the best on the market.  It is far too cold to go bare-legged, and why would you want to go barelegged when Mover and Shaker Emilio Cavallini has done it again-an amazing collection!  Walk this way...and that means you too, Steven Tyler.  He also makes styles for men we believe.

The Fall-Winter 2013 collection shows Emilio’s passion for the art world, from which he is constantly inspired and now pays homage to Vanessa Beecroft and her women. 

It is a collection of tights and body-wear, in which black and white becomes the main tool to outline the body and the legs with a strong contrast of energy and sensuality.

The new patterns, designed by Emilio, draw attention to an accessory often forgotten.  
Classic patterns are re-interpreted in a contemporary and artistic way and expressed in crochets, prints and jacquards:
· Squares, diamonds, stripes that contour the whole leg or zigzag.
· Geometric liberty patterns
· Camouflage, floral and animal prints 
· Colourful tatoos on sheer tights
· Charming crochets and laces.
· Studs and crystals for special evenings

The styles come in an array of colours: white, natural, black, red, purple, turquoise, evergreen, navy deep red, cocoa and not forgetting black and white.

In the Fall-Winter 2013 line, Emilio gathers 40 year of designs and brings them back with an amazing, expressive contemporary quality.

In Italian:

Autunno-Inverno 2013

La nuova collezione autunno-inverno 2013 riflette tutta la passione di Emilio Cavallini per il mondo dell’arte dal quale trae costante ispirazione con particolare attenzione alle opere di Vanessa Beecroft e alle sue protagoniste femminili.

Una collezione di calze e body wear dove il bianco e nero diventa lo strumento principale per disegnare il corpo e le gambe suscitando un forte contrasto pieno di energia e sensualità.

Le nuove fantasie utilizzate da Emilio Cavallini permettono di riportare l’attenzione su un accessorio troppe volte trascurato. Reti, stampe, jacquard, partono da un disegno classico e vengono reinterpretate in modo contemporaneo e artistico tenendo la fantasia sotto controllo.

· Quadrati, rombi, righe orizzontali che si perdono nella gamba o zig-zag che la frazionano

· Disegni geometrici liberty 

· Stampe mimetiche e floreali su grandi pois o animalier

· Stampe tatoo 

· Reti e pizzi per intrigare

· Borchie o cristalli per serate speciali

Il tutto nei colori e nei contrasti bianco, naturale, nero, rosso, porpora, turchese, kaki, marrone 

La collezione Emilio Cavallini autunno-inverno 2013 racchiude tanti contenuti sviluppati in 40 anni, riportandoli ad una attualità espressiva contemporanea che non mancherà di stupire.

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